Are you considering relocating to Oklahoma City?
Your future hometown is a true hidden treasure. Crime rates are low, the air is clean, the people are super friendly, the cost of living is low, many of the schools are new or renovated, and there are tons of farmers’ markets, and coffee shops. Best of all, Oklahoma City is spread out, not compressed into a small geographical area, so the daily commute is pretty great. The city also boasts a passionate art scene. There’s even a professional basketball team.
Not familiar with Oklahoma? Let’s talk about what it is that makes it stand out. It’s definitely a place to dream big. I’ve been all over the world, and I can honestly say that Oklahoma City is one of those rare big cities with a small-town feel. That’s not to say that they do anything small here. There are several large-scale projects and public improvements that make OKC a great place to work, live, and play.
Big City, Small Town Costs
Oklahoma City is one of the most highly populated cities in the U.S. However, the cost of living here is great! It’s approximately 13% below the national average! Housing costs are pretty awesome too. They are about 21% lower than average, with the typical rental average around $950 a month, and the average home purchase price lingering around the $260,000 mark. It’s a great place for first-time homebuyers.
Booming Business
OKC’s unemployment rate is below the national average as well, at 3.7%. Ideal for job seekers with opportunities in a myriad of employment areas, including health care, aviation, and energy. If that’s not your thing, Oklahoma City is one of the absolute best places to start your own business! Low startup costs and low overhead make your entrepreneurial dreams much more attainable.

Got College?
Whatever you're into, we have a school for it. OKC has several colleges and universities to choose from. Get your MBA at Oklahoma State University or the University of Central Oklahoma in nearby Edmond, or pursue a career in healthcare or meteorology at The University Of Oklahoma. There are so many others with diverse programs to suit your needs, whether you are seeking an undergraduate degree, graduate degree, doctorate, or vocational certificate. Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City Community College, Mid-America Christian University, or Oklahoma Christian University have you covered.
Get Around
Let’s face it. If you’re gonna get around town, odds are that you’ll be driving. Traffic isn’t much of a problem in Oklahoma City, as I-25, I-44, I-40, and I-240 provide quick access to most of the metro area, making the average commute time around 5 minutes shorter than the national average. No worries if you don’t own a car and have places to be. OKC has tons of public transportation options, such as the OKC Streetcar, and any one of our 23 fixed bus routes. There are bikes, scooters, and segway scooters scattered all over the metro area. If you need to travel further, the Will Rogers World Airport will get you there!
I hear they have some pretty amazing photographers too. Just saying...
